
Great landscape designs for new developments not only integrate greenery to elevate the aesthetics of the buildings but also to highlight the harmonious relationship between architecture and nature.

Trees and planting along new development buildings
Flower beds with hedges and trees in front of apartment building
Planting scheme with hedges trees and topiary in detached housing development

Our approach to create great outdoor spaces for communities is much more than just enhancing the surroundings.

We look at nature as an integral part of our everyday lives that greatly influences our wellbeing. We believe that sustainable solutions and original ways of bringing nature and biodiversity to our cities is a tool for building a better future.

K Studio creates landscape designs that work for and with people and nature

We provide landscaping schemes that not only add the value to the property itself but also benefit the environment.

Our experience enables us to be both creative and adventurous within the bounds of planning requirements and policies.

We cover all aspects of landscape schemes both hard and soft landscaping, from initial analysis and assessment to comprehensive plans and detailed specifications.

green roof on new development housing building
sustainable green roof with different variety of plants on top of new building
Conceptual landscape design for new development residential housing
Concept design of planting in new development apartment building\

We deliver detailed documentation supported by plans, drawings, elevation views, 3D models and photographs according to the project scope and landscaping conditions that need to be discharged.

Each Landscaping Scheme prepared by K Studio is based on deep understanding of the space and its constraints, opportunities, and stakeholders' requirements.

Starting from conceptual landscape design and general spatial arrangement through planting scheme and proposed materials to documentation for submission to the Planning Authority.

Landscaping Scheme - elements and stages


Comprehensive evaluation of existing landscape character, setting, flora, fauna, and ecological and cultural significance based on relevant reports and surveys.


Rendered plans of proposed landscape

Landscape plan

Layout plan detailing the arrangement of hard and soft landscaping areas and structures, with specified types of proposed planting and hardscape materials according to the agreed concept strategy

boundary treatment

Proposed sustainable solutions for perimeter of the property

landscaping solutions for Suds

Proposed natural and engineered features and solutions to manage water runoff.

biodiversity enhancement

Design solutions and ecological practices to create balanced habitat for flora and fauna.

soft landscaping specification

Management of existing vegetation. Planting plan and schedule of proposed species detailing their size, density, growth rate, character and ecological value.

planting procedures specification

Detailed instructions for the implementation of soft landscape.

plant establishment and maintenance plan

A care plan for the proposed soft landscape detailed in 1,2 and 5 year programs

Landscaping scheme documentation example
Landscape design for new development example sheets

Creating a greener, more joyful, and inspiring environment is not only an obligation to ourselves and communities, but also our planet.